Sunday, September 20, 2009


  1. Obtain a clean, long-handled stick or barbeque fork suitable for spearing marshmallows. Extended clothes hangers work well too.

  2. Push one or two marshmallows onto the end of the stick or barbecue fork so the entire marshmallow is secured.

  3. Hold the marshmallow over the fire or coals, positioning it so the marshmallow is suspended 1 to 3 inches above the heat source.

  4. Rotate your utensil when the underside is a warm brown color, so the uncooked side hovers above the fire.

  5. Continue to rotate the marshmallow until all sides are golden-brown.

  6. Remove the marshmallow from the fire, keeping in mind that metal utensils can get pretty hot on the end nearest the fire - handle with care.

  7. Slide the golden brown goo gently off the utensil when it has cooled and you're able to comfortably touch it.

  8. Eat.

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